The Edge of Darkness – Iron Maiden

I’ve looked into the heart of darkness
Where the blood red journey ends
When you’ve faced the heart of darkness
Even your soul begins to bend

For a week I have been waiting
Still I am only in Saigon
The walls moves in a little closer
I feel the jungle call me on

Every minute I get weaker
While in the jungle they grow strong
What I wanted was a mission
And for my sins they gave me one

They brought it up just like room service
‘Cause everyone gets what they want
And when that mission was all over
I’d never want another one

I know, captain, that you’ve done this work before
We’ve got a problem you can hel p us I’m sure
The Colonel’s gone rogue, and his methods are unsound
You’ll take a PBR up river; Track Him Down!

There’s a conflict in every human heart
And the temptation is to take it all too far
In this war things get so confused
But there are some things which cannot be excused

He’s acting like a god – an insane lunatic
Your mission – exterminate with extreme prejudice
The route is dangerous and your progress may be slow
Here is the file and it’s all you need to know

Here I am the knife in my hand
And now I understand why the genius must die

Now I stand alone in the darkness
With his blood upon my hands
Where sat the warrior the poet
Now lie the fragments of a man

The Edge of Darkness chanté par Iron Maiden sur l’album The X Factor

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3 commentaires pour The Edge of Darkness – Iron Maiden

  1. Arkane Derian dit :

    Mon respect à ceux qui trouvent/savent de quel film cette chanson est inspirée ! (sans tricher évidemment)

  2. Sander Spade dit :

    A vu de nez, d’après les hélicos au début, les paroles, le titre sans soute référence au roman « Heart of Darkness », je dirais Apocalypse Now, sans grande crainte de pouvoir me tromper, et sans tricher.

  3. Arkane Derian dit :

    We have a winner ! Et certain(e) avait parié que tu serais le premier (et le seul) à trouver.
    Par contre, je te donne pas mon respect, ça te ferait un double.

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